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July 29, 2014


If you know me (like if you've had more than one conversation with me), then you know I'm the queen of awkward. I don't know why I've been blessed with this gift, but somebody's got to do it. I've learned to own it instead of letting it own me. I know...hilarious that I'm trying to glamorize this, right?
Here's a little nugget for you to stick in your back pocket. Feel free to pull it out later when you need a self-confidence boost.

I went to the park this morning to burn off some's been a while since I've intentionally raised my heart-rate. Beeland is nine months old and the brand new baby excuse isn't as effective as it once was. As I finished my mile (a slow speed-walk, if you need a visual), I passed two ladies and a man. They were all probably more physically fit that I am, but it happened that the ladies were walking at a slower pace than I and the man with them was "jogging" at their same speed. I said hello, as I always do. I was chipper and feeling the endorphins swirling all about (as much as endorphins can swirl in a slow speed-walk). Then for whatever reason, I told the man that his walk-jog was "my kind of pace." Quickly I realized that I just congratulated/called-out a stranger for his incredibly slow jog. AWKWARD! Tell me I'm not the only one whose small talk comes out much ruder than intended...?

At this point, I could high-step it in the other direction and avoid them on the second loop...or go further and explain myself. So of course, I did both! If this ever happens to you...just run away as fast as you can. As I kept walking toward the "do not walk" sign, my mouth wouldn't close itself. I explained that I wasn't making fun of him...I was actually quite impressed with his ability to run so casually, staying focused, without even conversing...after all, he was doing more than I was doing. At this point, I was in so deep, I should've just joined them so I could continue to shred them with my compliments.

Honestly. 50% of the time, my mind is just trying to keep up with my mouth...and ultimately some weird comment is met with a blank stare and my chatter trails off with a mumbled "OK, bye!" Should you see me at a park, maybe you should walk the other way. OR better yet, join me! You'll have plenty to gossip about later. Geez Louise...

Hope y'all have a really un-awkward Tuesday! :) 

July 23, 2014

Cheeze Whiz, Nature Walks, and Derek Jeter

Hiiiiii guys!
Goodness! I feel like there's a lot to talk about...We've been on the road, like many of you, and just came in last night. The number of crumbs on my kitchen floor is a giant army waiting to attack my toes. I'm not sure how that happens so quickly. Before I annihilate them with the best vacuum ever (I'm obsessed with my new "for all floor-types" shark), I thought I'd share some pics and stories with you from the weekend. Every now and then, I'll try to hide in Mac's suitcase and spend time with him while he does his thing. Normally, I'm not successful...but it worked this time! He was busy for much of the time, but I was thankful to just be with him. We also got to catch up with several friends and we got to sleep late two mornings in a row (cue angelic music). 'Scuse the iPhone pics, but for once, I wasn't required to lug around everything we I traveled light and it was awesome.

We hopped on the plane and headed to Philly, where FINALLY I got to see for myself which cheesesteak is worthy of a food network special. If you're unfamiliar with Geno's and Pat's...think of it in terms of pizza and New York. These two rivals directly face each other from opposite corners of a four way stop, both claiming to have the best philly cheesesteak in the world. First up, Geno's. Here it is, in all it's glory...simple, a bit neon, overpriced (because they can), and a line so long, it blocked traffic. 

These guys were serious. They didn't have time to play, but this dude went the extra mile and grinned.

Geno's delivered. The sandwich (steak, all the way, with cheese whiz...yes I said cheese whiz) was going to be hard to beat. We inhaled it and took our Geno's cup across the street to Pat's...which, typically would be a felony of sorts, but what did we know...we're from Georgia. 

I have to say...Geno's sandwich was better by a long shot, but Pat's was more fun. They spiced things up with humor, which scored them a few extra points from me. In case you add this to your bucket list, make sure to study this sign ahead of time. If you want to eat, you have to order correctly

I ordered mine 'wit' it all...I guess my Philly-talk was good enough, because he took the cash and I got the goods.

I could've eaten three more, but we had to move on down the road to Montgomery County (PA). 
We drove about 20 minutes into the 'burbs to a gorgeous little town and made our way into the countryside. Everything was lush and green and quiet...I kept thinking we were in England. We stayed with our friend Meredith at her farm house, and had a great time cooking out with her and her business partner (the two of them and Mac have worked alongside each other for the last seven or so years). 
Meredith and Eric are professional chefs, so we knew it'd be delish...and we were right. They started things out with fresh oysters (okay, fresh was pretty great). I love being around people 
who create recipes and make food for a living. I'm not a chef, but I like to think like a it's fun 
for me to observe and listen and steal a few tips from my professional friends whenever I can. 

 This next picture is dark and blurry...and I'm fairly certain that the sounds coming out of that guitar sounded like a cat in heat, but come on. A good looking guy with a guitar...that should be shown. We can pretend that the music was billboard quality. 

Sunday morning, we had an amazing market-fresh breakfast (bacon, eggs, coffee, freshly squeezed OJ, the works...) and then took a refreshing hike thru this enchanted forest (sorry...maybe Pixar is taking a toll on me). It was great to get out of nuts-ville and enjoy the calm, centering, peaceful woods. I'd like to have this in my back-yard. 

Fast forward past the 'boring work stuff' and on to Monday night...we hopped on a train in Philly and 
landed at Penn Station in Manhattan! I feel so accomplished for convincing four of our busy friends (and Mac) to meet in the city for Derek Jeter night. Funny- they're all professional chefs too. I'm a little shocked and very happy that it actually happened. It's seems like the thrown together, not really sure what's going on, random things are always the most fun memories. 

I loved this personal moment of a police officer with his two favorite snapshot of the trip.

Monday morning, Mac had a meeting, I hadda' pack, and we hadda' plane to catch. Could not WAIT to see these kiddos...though, they didn't miss us too much. There were batman treasures, Elsa everything, and whatever else they dreamed of; They can't wait to go back to "Big Papa's." He's living up to his name.

The next four pictures are included, just because I thought they were pretty amazing. Here's a view from above the clouds, the rainbow that welcomed us back to GA, and the best ending to a long weekend ever...DQ.

Now for this nasty to clean! 

July 15, 2014

What's your Haven?

Hey, you! 

I've been putting off this post, because I'm not sure where to start! I got home late Saturday night from #HavenConf  and I'm still trying to process it all! I didn't prepare too much for Haven, because honestly, I wasn't convinced it would apply to me. I know...what was I thinking? I hardly pulled out my camera, so there aren't too many pictures to share. I was too busy trying to write down a million one-liners and good advice in terms of writing, time management, and building a brand. I'm no Mike Holmes (how's that for a casual segway), but I think there's something in all of us that's constantly stirring, anxiously waiting for it's due date. Do you agree?

Here are a few take-aways from the weekend that were applicable to blogging and life in general.

1. I am (fill in blank); I am not (fill in blank).

2. Recognize your strengths and weaknesses.

3. Take your own path- Don't rush it. (This advice hasn't left me alone in 29 years)

4. Collaborate with your family first...then other people.

5. I pretty much knew zilch about google +. 

I loved being around 500+ folks who were all thinking the same thing...

I didn't try to be best friends with any major brands at Haven (A. my hair was a complete disaster and you should never pitch yourself on a bad hair week. B. My mind was spinning with information...and it's hard enough to walk and drink coffee at the same time.) However, I had to force myself to walk away from one room so I wouldn't tackle a concrete vendor for the chance to get my hands on a few of these uh-maze-ing loungers. Come on...

And who doesn't love Lucy?! She was there with her loot of treasure...she's super creative and handy! 

You'll have to browse instagram for other pictures, as there's a major grainy, weird-angled, selfie situation happening in my iPhone. In the meantime, I'll be here...collaborating with my fam, figuring out who I'm not, adapting to google plus....and maybe DIY'ing something. Honestly, you can't go to a DIY conference and not catch the bug. 

P.S. The Cannon Ball was thrilled to find some goodies in the Haven swag-bag. She put them to good use...well, that's debatable. 

Here's what real life looks like, y'all. 

July 8, 2014

Smoke-Off Recap!

I just got this in my inbox...had to share with you! I had the most fun with the folks from Masterbuilt and EPIC. We were able to donate a pretty penny to help the precious unborn babies of our region. Thanks again to everyone involved. You guys rock!

Post by Megan Plummer :: Project Housewife.

Female Dog.

Good morning, housewives (and hopefuls...and veterans)!

Let's get to it, right away:

How real, unpretty, and unstylish are bloggers allowed to be? The web is full of beautiful things- perfect lives, gorgeous outfits, the most delicious meals, dreamy travels, etc...That's all great! I totally support these gifts and opportunities, so please know that I will go to Europe and wear fine clothes and shop the markets if that's what I need to do. Really- who wants to waste time looking at pictures of an uninspired great room or pics of a fast food meal spread out on it's paper wrapper...or a party lacking decor and/or happy, stylish people? However...don't you want to peek behind the scenes? I do! I want to know if your blog pages are a representation of your real life or of the life you wish you had. I'm curious if I'm the only woman in the land of immediate satisfaction with an ugly shell of a master bedroom, two toddlers in a permanent war over everything, a husband who's constantly hugging us good-bye (he's a stud of a guy who loves us and works extremely hard so we can spend our days worry-free), a yard full of weeds (or as I like to call them...accessories), etc...

most honest ad ever. Tina Fey for AmEx
The expectation that we ladies are supposed to keep it all together, not get tired, not complain, not try to do too much, but do something, not give up, but let it all go, don't worry about our hubby's work, but be interested and supportive. Is being a wife and a mother enough (it's more than enough) or do we try to tack on a dream (some of us are wired to do something)? Can I get a fist bump...or are you staring at your computer thinking "she gone." 

Well, here's a look behind my scenes. It's like a juggling act where one week the balls are in a beautiful rotation and life is operating without a hitch...and the next week I can't seem to catch a single ball long enough to toss it back into the air. Anyone? Life is like that spinning wheel on the know, the round thing that you jump on and it spins until you get dizzy? Some kids hold on tight and plant their feet and other kids fall off or jump, mid-spin.

This month has been full of good things and still, I'm hanging on with one foot dragging. How about you? Wherever you are today, keep on keepin' on and know that tomorrow you'll wonder what yesterday's problem was and you'll be fine. Life can seem like a bitch sometimes...but who cares. Dig deep and you'll find a wellspring of can-do. When you do, that feeling of can't do will fade away. If you haven't hit unsubscribe yet, you're a good person...who probably identified on some level with everything I actually just published into forever-there-can't take it back-space.

I think I'll treat myself to a larger than life sweet tea now. Y'all have a GOOD Tuesday. I'll be cheering for you.

July 4, 2014


The fourth of July is my favorite holiday outside of christmas. Some people like halloween, others are really into valentine's day...the easter bunny is always a huge hit...and there's st. paddy's. HOWever, there's something about fireworks, national pride, the gratefulness that comes with living free of fear and the common understanding that we are each blessed with the opportunity to be whatever we want to be when we grow up, etc. that gets to me in the best way. Normally we hit the road for the long weekend to spend time with friends or family or both; but this year we took a little 'stay-ca' to catch up with each other and enjoy some down time with just our (not so) little fam. I love these times that seem few and far between lately.

Here's what we're up to today...what are you doing?!

For the rest of July, you can find us at #seven14. Jump on board and keep us posted on your adventures this month!

July 1, 2014

Plastic Surgery

I'm about to get a little facelift...well the blog is. Thanks in advance for being patient as our little community evolves over the next couple of months. Exciting things in store for you housewives; and even if you're not a housewife, I think you'll enjoy what's coming!  

Hope you're having a fabo Tuesday! Monday's in the past and by tomorrow you'll be halfway to the weekend! Keep chuggin' down the can do it (with a few extra doses of caffeine, if you're like me).