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July 29, 2014


If you know me (like if you've had more than one conversation with me), then you know I'm the queen of awkward. I don't know why I've been blessed with this gift, but somebody's got to do it. I've learned to own it instead of letting it own me. I know...hilarious that I'm trying to glamorize this, right?
Here's a little nugget for you to stick in your back pocket. Feel free to pull it out later when you need a self-confidence boost.

I went to the park this morning to burn off some's been a while since I've intentionally raised my heart-rate. Beeland is nine months old and the brand new baby excuse isn't as effective as it once was. As I finished my mile (a slow speed-walk, if you need a visual), I passed two ladies and a man. They were all probably more physically fit that I am, but it happened that the ladies were walking at a slower pace than I and the man with them was "jogging" at their same speed. I said hello, as I always do. I was chipper and feeling the endorphins swirling all about (as much as endorphins can swirl in a slow speed-walk). Then for whatever reason, I told the man that his walk-jog was "my kind of pace." Quickly I realized that I just congratulated/called-out a stranger for his incredibly slow jog. AWKWARD! Tell me I'm not the only one whose small talk comes out much ruder than intended...?

At this point, I could high-step it in the other direction and avoid them on the second loop...or go further and explain myself. So of course, I did both! If this ever happens to you...just run away as fast as you can. As I kept walking toward the "do not walk" sign, my mouth wouldn't close itself. I explained that I wasn't making fun of him...I was actually quite impressed with his ability to run so casually, staying focused, without even conversing...after all, he was doing more than I was doing. At this point, I was in so deep, I should've just joined them so I could continue to shred them with my compliments.

Honestly. 50% of the time, my mind is just trying to keep up with my mouth...and ultimately some weird comment is met with a blank stare and my chatter trails off with a mumbled "OK, bye!" Should you see me at a park, maybe you should walk the other way. OR better yet, join me! You'll have plenty to gossip about later. Geez Louise...

Hope y'all have a really un-awkward Tuesday! :) 

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