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March 31, 2014


I know the weekend just ended, but I feel like some punk hooked me by the shoelaces from a ceiling fan, turned the fan on and left me there to die. Don't read that out loud! It might inspire your first born to teach your middle child a lesson...

Even though I'm a little tired...a lot tired...can't function tired...we had a great weekend with family and friends. Mac had to practice smoking some food for work purposes and we got to enjoy it all...lucky us!

In the past, cooking as a couple has been a civil war of sorts. He doesn't like the way I do things, I don't like the way He does them. He is exact and I toss a little of this and little of that and hope for the best.

Learning from people who cook and bake for a living has been like therapy. I'm getting better about following directions and using the right measuring cups. Turns out, cooking together is pretty great. Now if a F (flour) bomb explodes, it's the result of old fashioned fun not a hot temper.

If you're having company soon, give the following a try.

homemade fries, baked not fried!

amazing ribs in the smoker (rendezvous sauce on the side)

smoked whole cabbage was awesome

brisket and ribs about to go in the ole' Masterbuilt "smokehouse"

March 27, 2014

Behind the Scenes with Masterbuilt: QVC

I love this so much. Here's what it's all about, y'all. This is why we love Masterbuilt. Please especially pay attention to the end when Mac debuts his first single. (I promise he doesn't sound any better when it's not 3 am).

March 25, 2014

March 22, 2014


We are tossing around the idea of taking a long road trip. In a truck. With all three kids.
Crazy? Totally; But this kind of adventure would make for some good memories and some exciting 'blerg' posts. I think we should go American Idol on this one and let America decide...

A. up the East coast
B. cross country to CA
C. over to TX, up to OK, and back
D. Through the middle of America and end up somewhere like Wyoming.

Comment A, B, C, or D and choose our route!

This will also require some really good music, places to eat, and probably a new camera lens (just throwing that in there). This looks like a promising and realistic guide.

photo credit:

March 21, 2014

Keller's birthday brunch

Here are some more pictures from Keller's brunch with her besties. I loved having them and learning what's going down in the fourth grade...(it's all good). I also enjoyed a killer performance of Let it Go, which MC gladly joined.

 the beauty of dead grass...

March 20, 2014

What are you doing?

Writing a blog does one of two things: It makes people want to approach you or it makes people want to avoid you. I'm not sure where I fall...hopefully I'm teetering more on the approachable side of the blogger tightrope! I don't even like the word blog. It's sounds like blah with a g on the end. I don't want to be known for my BLAHg! Eww! Maybe I'll call it my blerg. That's catchy, right?

"Do you read the blerg?" Yeah, I like it. YOU HAVE NOW ENTERED THE BLERGOSPHERE.

It seems like everyday somebody asks me, "What are you doing??

I ask myself the same thing every five minutes.

When I find myself eating a chocolate bar for breakfast...what are you doing??

When I get annoyed with my kids for being kids...what are you doing??

When Ryan (The Bachelor) was literally standing outside my car window looking at me square in the face and all I could do was stare and drool a little in shock...WHAT are you doing??

When I share another piece of myself for the world to judge...what are you doing???!! 

It's a universal question. It applies to everything and everyone (obviously). It's also a nagging question that kept me up last night. I can't keep saying "Oh this is just another one of my little projects." That's so lame and silly. It's unfortunate that I can't find the 'bats' (Using the correct word here would defy the lady-code, so I'll just say bats...) to be honest with people face-to-face. 

The answer isn't difficult, but it's uncomfortable if I'm being honest...because what if you don't like what I say? (Insecurities are so annoying). 

I'm doing stuff I love. Life's short, and before I know it, I'll be old and I'll have dentures, and I won't remember who I am, much less who anyone else is...and 'should I die before I wake,' my kids will know that my ideas and dreams weren't wasted on 1000 notebooks, shoved in a "someday drawer." 

AGH! I said it. Well, I typed it...

A certain article grabbed my attention this morning. You know somebody's trying to tell you something when you feel it in your gut. Check this out. 

The most successful people I know are also the most generous, down-to-earth, and helpful people I know. They don't hoard their knowledge, connections, or talents. They share them. Here's to blerging, sharing, and being "successful." 

March 18, 2014

Parties, Plants, and Pterodactyls

A while back I mentioned on Facebook that I thought I’d throw spring a welcome back party. My niece, Keller, had a birthday coming up, so it seemed like a good excuse to kick winter to the curb with a spring-themed birthday brunch for her and three of her friends. This called for a fancy table, cupcakes (pink and extra icing please), silver, and lots of flowers. I had everything in the bag but the flowers. I was quickly reminded by the dead smelly tulips in my dining room that I was cursed with two black (not even greenish-black) thumbs. I have tried everything to cure my plant-killer-itis. Last year, I surrendered my day-lilies to the neighborhood garden club. I decided spending hours…days…months on Pinterest, researching and planning my ideal yard would help (they say planning and visualization is the first step to accomplishing something). None of this has made me a better gardener. 

This year, thanks to a double-dog-dare from my husband, I decided to learn how to do some stuff, instead of ‘just wishing and hoping and dreaming and praying.’ The idea was to ask people I admire to teach me how to do the things they get paid to do…and blog about it. It’s a gig I never imagined, but it’s been so much fun. Recently, I had a special surprise. One of the many folks I have enjoyed reading about in Southern Living jumped out of a gardening story and into my kitchen. Carmen Johnston (spokesperson for Southern Living’s Plant Collection) was someone I knew about, but had never met. On a whim, I e-mailed her and asked if she would teach me about flowers and share some of her gardening secrets. She was excited to help! 

I freaked out. One of my billion dreams in high school was to be an editor for Southern Progress; So hanging out with Carmen was like fulfilling a dream in a (far-fetched) way. Turns out, Carmen was totally normal. ha! 
I mean, she was a real person like me and we had a lot in common and now it's kind of funny that I was so nervous about meeting her. I consider her one of my people now. (Hopefully the feeling's mutual...otherwise things just got awkward...) 

Photo Credit goes to Southern Living plant collection. Thanks for sharing this pretty image, y'all! 

I woke up feeling like poo that morning; But, you don't cancel on Southern Living...or anyone associated with them. 

My four-month old assistant, Beeland, and I met Carmen at Home Depot, where she showed us (I’m sure Beeland was taking note) how to shop with entertaining and long- term planting in mind. She taught me how to bring the outdoors inside and gave me the confidence to pull off fabulous arrangements without breaking the bank! My budget was small, but we ended up with enough supplies to create two beautiful containers for the welcoming entry I longed for, an easy and cheerful centerpiece for Keller’s party- which would later be planted in the backyard, and several other plants to enjoy throughout the house. Carmen’s knowledge of and passion for planting was captivating; but I was really impressed by how sweet and genuinely interested she was in helping me create an inviting home. Plus, she helped keep my little pterodactyl happy by feeding her a bottle in the middle of the soil aisle.

We talked about high-expectations (and that regular deliveries of one thousand flawless peonies in low season may not be in the cards for me at this time…or ever). She encouraged me to be resourceful, to use the things mother nature has already provided, and to teach my children to do the same. So, I came up with a few ideas that would incorporate what Carmen suggested. The next day, my four year old and I went on a scavenger hunt around the house, looking for gardening supplies. We found faux silver votive holders, pink raffia, several packages of seeds, milk jugs, and house paint. These became the makings of party favors for Keller’s party and container gardens for my toddlers. The kids (ages two-nine) enjoyed being in charge of their own supplies and seemed pretty proud of the finished product. 

I felt encouraged and was excited at the end of my time with Carmen. I’m so thankful to her for reminding me that planting should be joyful not stressful. My new goal is to bury those plans of perfection under some pine straw and work on finding my green-thumb. It’s got to be around here, somewhere! 
Here are a few tricks of the trade that I learned from Carmen: 
1. Before you begin planting, check to make sure there is a hole at the base of your pot. If the hole seems small, drilling an extra hole will allow for better drainage. (Immediately forgot this one when we used the votive holders.)
2.You can flip the disposable plastic pot upside down and use it as a riser in your larger, permanent container. Not only will this allow you to use less potting soil, it will elevate the plant itself for extra visual impact. 
3.When planting containers, work in the shape of a triangle with something that will grow tall, something that will grow thick at the surface, and something that will trail over your container; And, water around the edge  of your pot, rather than in the middle. 

I had this fabric laying around and threw it on the table for a fun pop. (Took it off for the actual lunch)

Sneak peek of Keller's party! The "wild ones" are waking up...more pictures later. :)

Look for this story (and a list of my favorite green things) in April's HER Magazine and make sure to follow Carmen on Facebook, or on her blog

March 16, 2014


I don't know if the kids are more excited to watch their dad or THE MUPPETS on QVC this afternoon! Tune in...NOW!

March 15, 2014

Just a little Shamrockery

I'm so happy to be over at Heidi's blog today! She is super cute and y'all would enjoy browsing through her great party ideas! I hope you'll jump on over and read about the St. Patty's Day party I threw for MC, Ford, and a bunch of their adorable friends! After you read the post, enter to win the supplies needed to re-create this party and a $25 gift certificate from Cam Addison! In order to win:

1. comment at the end of the post and tell us your favorite party detail
2. like my Facebook Page

Thanks to my friend, Whitni for the yummy treats and for letting me turn her porch into the Lucky Duck Cafe. Also, lots of thanks to my friend Cam for making the cute stickers and bunting. 
Both of you are super talented!

March 11, 2014

I'm just waiting for the second [helping]...

As of last night, my life is complete. We had dinner with some friends (new and old) and as soon as I got there, I realized I had entered my happy place...straight up...not just in my imagination.

We ate outside and the weather was California-perfect. The Band was playing in the background.

*Few people have escaped a dinner party at our house without watching/listening to The Last Waltz.

The view was lovely (a stupid-gorgeous landscaped yard, chicken coop included). The table was just-right...a long palette, used as a succulent container, ran the length of the table, our placemats were cedar grilling planks, there were appetizers perfect for everybody...i'm talking string cheese  (kids) wrapped in prosciutto (adults) with TRUFFLE OIL (my first time) for dipping. Maybe you're thinking this is normal...but it's the simple things that send me over the edge with joy. Then came the food...serious comfort food, then some 'ridonculus' lemony-sugar-fest of a thing with whipped cream and a fresh raspberry and a mint leaf on top. And coffee in big pretty mugs. And a blanket to wrap up in. And really good convo that lasted until the next morning (plus two minutes).

Am I losing you in the details? Clearly we've met our musical soul-mates. I had to tell somebody!

March 6, 2014


People keep asking me how I am doing all of these cool things, attempting to blog, while being a full time mom of three. No idea. I am TIRED.

Here's the thing...I LOVE being a mom. My kids totally wear me out...but my life would be like plain yogurt without them. I HATE plain yogurt. On the flip side, I love learning how to do new things, and having a creative outlet to share it all. And let's be honest- it's fun to have things to talk about that don't involve shriveled up english peas on or tripping over plastic super heroes at 3 am. 

I'm going to be exhausted anyway. Every parent on earth is tired. I'd rather be tired and know how to cook great meals than be tired and live off of lean pockets the rest of my life. I'd rather be stressed out and know how to garden than be stressed out and be worried that the neighbors are embarrassed by my (grave)yard. And I'd rather be honest and admit that my life is (un)organized chaos, in hopes that someone will return the favor and let me know that I'm normal.

I get to be "Project Housewife" when my kids are at pre-school. When they get home, it's a war-zone. It's not rare these days for me to get 'shot' with pee-bullets by Ford, who thinks his manhood is an automatic weapon. Mary Cannon thinks she's my mom and she refuses to wear anything other than her 'stripy shirt and red ruffle leggings', the baby needs me every 30 seconds and my husband inevitably gets whatever's left of me...and by six o'clock there's not much left. Sound familiar?

Yeah, I'm tired...but mostly really blessed. I think God heard my prayers as an only child. He knew I needed a little more drama and chaos to survive the next 50 years. I wouldn't have it any other way.

March 2, 2014

Dadgum That's Good!!

I love fried food. It would be weird if I didn’t…Hello- I’m from ALABAMA!  Plus, it just tastes right. I should also mention- it was because of fried food that I met Mac (I’ll have to post about that later…it’s a good one).  
We fry a lot of food at our house…probably because Mac works for a company that fries A LOT of food. We’ve fried some good stuff in six years (lobster, turkey, pickles…snickers bars). Problem is, Mac’s the only person in our house allowed to use the fryer (he won't let me get close to it).  

Since our fryer at home is off-limits, I decided to go to the only person I know who fries more food than Mac...his boss! Calling the owner of your husband’s company may not always be the most brilliant idea, but it just so happens that John McLemore is as nice and approachable (and let’s not forget FUN) as they come. 

I couldn't think of a better place to learn how to use the turkey fryer than MeMaw’s Kitchen (named after John’s mother who inspired many of the recipes in his cookbooks). We made a mess, laughed a bunch, and stuffed our faces pretty much the whole time. 

Right off the bat, we turned out some yummy fried pickles. I had no idea how simple it was to make airy, crunchy, golden batter. One bite into that thin, crisp slice of goodness was all it took. I was right back at the tailgate almost 10 years ago where I first met Matt Palmer (6 weeks later I picked up on the fact his name was actually Mac Plummer. ha!)

Click the recipe tab for John's fried pickle secrets! Try them- you will love them. They might even make you fall in love! 

Next I got a sneak peek at John’s third cookbook (The Lighter Side of Dadgum That’s Good), when he showed me how to make his A-MAZ-ING ‘naked chicken wings.’  I'm telling y'all...I'm not sure I'll ever bake or grill wings again. These were so super easy to make and the flavor was perfect! The beauty in frying wings is that the outside gets crunchy, but the inside stays tender, juicy, and delicious. They were so dadgum good that before I knew it, we were all doing a David Venable Happy Dance. The cookbook will be available soon, but John gave me this recipe so you could be the first to try them...shhh!  Hop over to the recipe tab and get to marinating...these will make you look like a fry-fessional! 

Side note: My kids are obsessed with QVC. Maybe because they see their daddy In the Kitchen with David (who they think is their cousin or uncle or something). Anyway, we do a lot of happy dances at our house.

I consider myself lucky to have learned from the "fry-master" himself. John has fried all kinds of food, all over the world. He has some great stories too. Did you catch the time Steve Harvey made him ‘spank a turkey’ on national television so it would ‘fry right?’ He has fried multiple turkeys with Paula Deen, Rachael Ray, and Mike Huckabee, at the National Turkey Federation, QVC, and with Rick and Bubba, to name a few!

I don’t know if it’s John that brings the fun or if it’s the fried food…but regardless, it’s always a party when there’s a Butterball (Masterbuilt) turkey fryer around. These babies are safe (they’re electric!), easy to use, and never disappoint! It makes this mama of three totally at more stressing over hot oil on the stove. 

Shameless plug #52…Father’s day will be here before we know it! Forget the fancy shave kit…go to and see what all the fuss is about! 

BIG shout-out to my friend, Alicia McGlamory (media and PR manager for Masterbuilt) for putting this fun day together.