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February 13, 2014

Snow Daze

This is what life has looked like for us least before the sun comes up. If you are a parent, you know what the 12 hours that follow look like. Exhausting, isn't it? (Especially when school is canceled every other day due to the possibility of snow). Adorable, lovable, bossy, spirited little people make life so perfect and so HARD! 

Valentine's is tomorrow. I have not planned a candle-lit dinner for the man who is responsible for these, drama queen, and pterodactyl...blessings. In fact, that idea has never entered my mind (until now...but no. not happening). I do have something in mind that I really think He will appreciate. Tomorrow, I plan to shower. I plan to dry my hair and use concealer to hide the black holes that are my eyes. I plan to have his cold growler (see last post) waiting on him when he gets home. I had planned to get a babysitter. I am not sure what happened to last week...but now it's too late. So, maybe I'll throw in a straw for that jug of beer since we will most likely be spending valentines night watching The Little Mermaid for the five-millionth time and dining on some really amazing left-overs

Here's the card I wanted to order. Of course, right before I "added to cart," somebody threw a sword at the flat screen mounted on the playroom wall, and I forgot.

Life is full of stuff that can bog us down. Heads up, lil' mamas...we can do it. Cheers to life, love, and the pursuit of getting dressed before noon! 

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