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March 6, 2014


People keep asking me how I am doing all of these cool things, attempting to blog, while being a full time mom of three. No idea. I am TIRED.

Here's the thing...I LOVE being a mom. My kids totally wear me out...but my life would be like plain yogurt without them. I HATE plain yogurt. On the flip side, I love learning how to do new things, and having a creative outlet to share it all. And let's be honest- it's fun to have things to talk about that don't involve shriveled up english peas on or tripping over plastic super heroes at 3 am. 

I'm going to be exhausted anyway. Every parent on earth is tired. I'd rather be tired and know how to cook great meals than be tired and live off of lean pockets the rest of my life. I'd rather be stressed out and know how to garden than be stressed out and be worried that the neighbors are embarrassed by my (grave)yard. And I'd rather be honest and admit that my life is (un)organized chaos, in hopes that someone will return the favor and let me know that I'm normal.

I get to be "Project Housewife" when my kids are at pre-school. When they get home, it's a war-zone. It's not rare these days for me to get 'shot' with pee-bullets by Ford, who thinks his manhood is an automatic weapon. Mary Cannon thinks she's my mom and she refuses to wear anything other than her 'stripy shirt and red ruffle leggings', the baby needs me every 30 seconds and my husband inevitably gets whatever's left of me...and by six o'clock there's not much left. Sound familiar?

Yeah, I'm tired...but mostly really blessed. I think God heard my prayers as an only child. He knew I needed a little more drama and chaos to survive the next 50 years. I wouldn't have it any other way.

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