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February 21, 2014

Mini Vaca...I mean, Cooking School

I don't remember learning to cook many things as a kid; but I do remember spend-the-night parties (mainly breakfast) at Morgan's house and wanting to make amazing cinnamon rolls like her mom...without the help of Sister Schubert. No offense to Sister Schubert (you're awesome and your rolls are like crack), but I wanted my own 'cinnamon roll-crack recipe' that would keep my future kids and their friends coming back to my kitchen island.

Now that I have my own family, I still haven't learned how to make a decent cinnamon roll; But, things took a positive turn when I met Marge Perry last year. After a few hours with her and her husband David, I started to think that learning to make those cinnamon rolls (or ANYTHING for that matter) was possible...

My husband met Marge last summer when they both had airings at QVC. They spent many hours bonding over cookbooks and smoked food and have stayed in touch since. A few months after they met, we were in New York (this time for my work) and Marge and David- who by the way are professional chefs, published authors, and restaurant critics, invited us to dinner at Tribeca Grill. If you ever make it to dinner there, check out the restroom. Not the actual restroom...the hallway that leads to the restroom. You'll find her articles all over the walls. It's basically Marge Perry wallpaper.

After seeing all of those articles, I couldn't help but mention that I may or may not be an amazing chef (you know, in case she wanted to write an article about my uncanny ability to pour my own bowl of cereal). Mac confirmed that I definitely was (not) an amazing cook. Marge stepped in and asked if I would like to take one of her classes at the Institute of Culinary Education. Nearly eight months pregnant at the time, I wasn't able to go; But when she mentioned a "cooking well at home" class happening in February, I signed up without stopping to think...or without asking my husband.

Fast-forward to last Monday...I finally took a class with Marge! There were only a few of us, so I got a ton of one-on-one attention, which was necessary (believe you me)! We covered a lot of ground, but one thing stuck out like a neon sign: If you learn the basics of cooking and know how to read a recipe, you can sort of wing it when you mess up. WING IT...that's something I'm good at, remember?

Marge divided us into partners and assigned us all several dishes. My partner (Matt) and I got mac n' cheese (homemade...not from a box), chicken thighs, and flank steak.

Marge was great at teaching the basics- like how to read a recipe, which pots and pans to use for different foods, and how to slice and dice things properly. She kept me on my toes, but also kept my interest (which is a big deal for the ADD in me). It was with Marge was like being coddled in your grandmother's loving lap and competing on 'Chopped' at the same time. (I liked that.)

If you'd like to try some of the things I learned in Culinary School, visit the recipe tab or click here

 Now feast those 'hungry eyes' on this goodness.


1. NEVER put frozen chicken in a crock-pot...even if the Internet says it's okay.
2. Leave your meat alone when searing. If it's ready to flip, it will easily lift with just your fingers.
3. Lox is not a Dr. Seuss character.
4. Use the back "three fingers" of your knife to cut/chop...and relax your shoulders.
5. When pounding chicken, use a smooth mallet rather than a mallet with 'teeth.'
6. Macaroni and Cheese is not actually a vegetable. SAY WHAT?

This was so. much. fun. And the people in the class were pretty awesome too. I hate that I'll have to miss the second part of this class with them...and so does my family. I mean, I've already made three of the seven recipes since I've been home (less than a week)...I'm going to need to expand my menu.

If you have questions related to preparing food, eating food, freezing food, can find Marge here under 'ask the expert.' You can also see her work in Cooking Light Magazine, Every day with Rachael Ray, or  follow her on her blog!
Hungry yet??


  1. Megan, I, too, have experienced the wonderfulness that is Marge. So it's especially fun to read this. Keep up the egg-washing and chicken-pounding!

  2. Thanks, Lauren! I hope it's the first of many fun times with Marge. She's pretty fab. :)
