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January 21, 2014

Way Back Wednesday

My husband heads North a handful of times each year for work. I got the 'big city bug,' a long time ago, so he lets me come with him when we can work it out. A few years back, Mac had a cooking/dining expo in West Chester, PA. I tagged along and brought a shopping buddy.  Ashley and I are college friends and were roomies in NYC during the ‘fashion intern’ parts of our lives. 

It was Saturday when Mac headed to work and Ashley and I headed to shop. We expected him to be late, but when 11pm rolled around, we grew concerned that perhaps he took the turnpike to Montana instead of back to the city. When we finally got through to him, I could barely understand what sounded like "I’m in the basement of the 7-eleven near Bryant Park."  "Uh...come again?"  

Turns out, he had been given 12 beautiful lobster tails from his friend "Dan the lobster man" while at the expo and had spent the last hour walking around Manhattan trying to convince someone to, you know, just let him grill a few crustaceans in their restaurant kitchen.

In all of Manhattan, only one guy was willing to risk it all that night. (I mean how creeped out would
YOU be, if at 11:00 at night some guy in khaki shorts and a thick southern drawl walked into your store with a garbage bag full of 'lobster,' asking to go in your basement?!)  So the owner of the
7-ELEVEN made Mac a would cost him nine lobster tails and his chef would do the grilling.

When Ashley and I arrived in the basement of the 7-eleven (i can't help repeating's just still so weird), Mac and "the chef" were hanging out waiting to tear into the almost-finished lobster tails. Apparently Mac took over when the dude said he’d never heard of GRILLING lobster. 

Just when I thought things couldn't get more random, that store owner sold all 9 of his tails as we ate our three in the middle of the chip aisle. Totally normal. I am going to have to go back and show them these pictures. I wonder if they are still there... 

You can’t beat Lobstergram lobster tails. Give them a try! I hope, for the sake of your future dinner parties, you get the chance to enjoy them like we the wee hours of the morning in a 7-eleven near Bryant Park. 


If you want to attempt to recreate this crazy story, you can have the lobster sent ahead of time by ordering here.  You can also just bake them in your own (clean) oven.  They are GREAT either way! 

Thanks, again, Dan! I kind of want a lobster roll now...

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